Classroom Guidance Lessons
Classroom guidance lessons are an opportunity for each child to benefit from the School Guidance Program. The lessons are subject to change and are created through the Olentangy School District Guidance Map and the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) Standards.
2013-2014 Arrowhead Guidance Program: Choosing Quality Consequences
Operation HONOR - Lesson Topics
Classroom Guidance Lesson Topic | What Did We Talk About This Week's Guidance Lesson? |
Intro to Choosing Quality Consequences | This lesson we are discussing the role of the school counselor and our new lesson topic: Choosing Quality Consequences. We must think about our consequences before choosing our behavior. With this lesson we are taking on Operation Beautiful with grades 3-5 and Bucket Filling with K-2. The quotes for this lesson are: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can changes the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." - Maragret Mead "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr. Seuss |
Being True to Our Choices | This week we discussed Honesty and choosing behaviors that show others who we want to be. The quotes for this week were: "Today You are You, that is truer than true. There's no one alive who is truer than You." - Dr. Seuss "If you want to be Trusted, be Honest. If you want to be Honest, be True. If you want to be True, Be Yourself!" - Anonymous |
Honoring Yourself with Quality Consequences | In this week's lesson we will taking a look at respect and self-respect. We will also be discussing how bucket dipping and stress can lower how we feel about ourselves and others. We will learn stress coping techniques and great ways to increase our self-respect. This week's quotes: "Everyone is a star and deserves to twinkle." - Marilyn Monroe "Your biggest enemy is yourself - so be your best friend." - English Proverb |
Celebrating the Choice to Stand Out | This lesson takes a look at Confidence and Self-Esteem. We focused on being proud of your differences and celebrating YOU! We took this a step further and discussed having the confidence to lead and follow. "Make the most of yourself for that is all there is of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Choosing Acceptance | This week we are talking about Diversity, Tolerance and Acceptance. We choose acceptance over tolerance because we was to be "kinder than is necessary". We choose to look beyond the candied shell and discover what is inside each of us like we do with M&M's. We understand that stereotyping is negative and prevents us from viewing the person within. "Happiness can only exist in acceptance." - George Orwell Quote for K-3: "Now the Star-Bell Sneetches had bellies with stars. The plain-bellied sneetches had none upon thars. These stars weren't so big!" - Dr. Seuss |
The Consequences of a Bully | This week we worked on the four types of Bullying: Physical, Social, Emotional, and Cyber Bullying. We are trying to be upstanders and spread awareness for bullying. As honorable Arrowhead Students we also learned that we must practice tolerance at home with our siblings and family, just as we do at school. We are leaders for those around us and strive to spread noble anti-bullying behaviors. The quotes for this week are: “It is our choices...that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities.” - J.K. Rowling (grades 3-5) “You will never reach higher ground if you push others down” - Jeffrey Benjamin (K-2) |
Healthy Choices Lead to Healthy Consequences | The lesson this week honored Red Ribbon Week. We spoke about healthy choices for our bodies and our minds. The students were also given the opportunity to write their own quote this week, pledging to make a healthy promise. Our Fourth and Fifth grade students were also given the wonderful opportunity of listening to Deputy Doug's Red Ribbon Week presentation. |
Independent Choices: Peer Pressure | In this lesson the focus was on good and bad peer pressure. Good peer pressure is encouraging and leads to a good consequence, while bad peer pressure breaks you down and leads to bad consequences. The quote for this week was: "Do not go where the path may lead. Go, instead where there is no path and leave a trail." |
Our Choice - Everyone's Consequences | The topic this week is Social Media and Online Safety. We are discussing the positive and negative choices and consequences for online participation. We defining the differences between private and public choices/consequences. To enhance this lesson, we are reading "Cell Phoney" by Julia Cook. Our quote this week is: "Nobody ever did or ever will escape the consequences of his choices". Prezi K-2 Prezi 3-5 |
Choosing Kindness | To end the semester we will be revisiting the topic of Kindness. We want to consider the consequences of our kind and unkind actions before we act. It is important for us to be aware that kindness is a choice and that may not always get a second chance to be kind. Kindness is spread through small acts that ripple through those around us. This week we read the book, "Each Kindness" by Jacqueline Woodson to emphasize our message. The quote for this week is: "We all make choices and in the end, it is our choices that make us" - Andrew Ryan Prezi for K-5 |
Coping with Our Consequences | |
Choosing Responsible Consequences | This week we discussed how we have personal and social responsibilities. Personal responsibilities are those that we immediately benefit from, whereas social responsibilities benefit those around us as well. We also compared our responsibilities to those of a super hero and had fun coming up with what kind of super hero we would be if given the opportunity. We concluded with the idea that we may not ahve super powers, but we do have super abilities. The quote for this week was: "With great power, comes great responsibility." - Spiderman Prezi K-5 |
Achieving Quality Consequences through Organization | We are talking about Time Management this week in guidance. The important components of good time management are: organization, prioritizing, and scheduling. We discussed how time managment is a thinking skill that is always needed and may take us a little time to make it into a habit. After our lesson we were able to practice this skill with a time management activity that involved working in small groups and deciding where to put tasks on our "schedule" depending on the length and importance of the task. The quote for this week is: "Lost time is never gained again." - Benjamin Franklin Prezi K-5 |
Choosing Quality Learning Habits and Taming the Testing Tiger | The focus for this week in guidance was Taming the Testing Tiger. We addressed test anxiety and how we can take control and diminish the symptoms of this anxiety. We read the story "Tyler Tames the Testing Tiger" by Janet M. Bender and discussed Tyler's methods for reducing the stress of test taking. We talk about visualization, deep breathing, positive thinking, realizing that everyone makes mistakes and trying our BEST. Prezi 1-5 |
Reaching Our Goal of Quality Consequences | This lesson included discuss of the thinking skill: problem solving. There are two types of problem solving that exist: Logical and Emotional. Logical uses the facts and perceived consequences to determine what to do. Emotional only considers the emotion being felt and what he or she will do to make their heart happier. We made it a goal this week to have a good balance of both types of decision making so that we can be the BEST that we can be. It is never a good idea to ignore the consequences or our feelings, so we need a balance of both. Prezi K-5 The quote for this week: "We can't use the same kind of thinking that got us into a problem to get us out of it." - Albert Einstein |
Choosing Quality Careers | |
Choosing to Take the Road to Quality Consequences |